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John-Allison Weiss has been hard at work crafting their first new album in 7 years, The Long Way, and god damn does it sound good... a more mature sound envelopes this album, walking away from the more pop sound that was in [their] earlier albums. [The Long Way] has a more heartland rock feel throughout... inspiration from Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen seemingly haunt these songs, and it’s a refreshing sound from Weiss. New Noise Magazine


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A note from J.A.W. on the subject of streaming...

Streaming has a bad reputation, and for good reason. Spotify is paying less and less and the others aren't doing much better. Artists and labels are struggling, and the days of buying music are seemingly gone. Some have called for a streaming boycott but I disagree. I tried to quit as a listener, but found myself listening to less music, which impacted my mental health. So now I try and celebrate the good parts of streaming. You have the power to find any song you've ever loved and listen in an instant for free. I didn't have that growing up. I was 12 when Napster changed everything. Sure it pays like shit, but sharing music is one of the modern internet's silver linings of connection, and streaming services make it so easy. This is all to say, please feel free to stream any of these releases wherever you prefer, and if you find yourself listening a lot, send the link to your friends. x JAW

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